дцп +у детей

One day in Kiev

A holiday for children with special needs

                November 30, 2012

 During a charitable event “One Day in Kiev” there was a holiday arranged for children with cerebral palsy (from Poteevska special boarding school). The following companies became sponsors of the event: Veda Tour agency, Slupsky Event Management, Tour2kiev. A social organization “Svetoch” paid for children’s circus tickets. Museum of Popular Science and Technology “Experimentanium” and The Christmas Toy Factory welcomed сhildren free of charge!
 Organizers of the event addressed the Charitable organisation “Food for Life”; we gladly accepted the offer to participate in this wonderful event. We also invited “MegaMarket” company to support this project.

помощь детям +с дцп

допомога дітям + з ДЦП

help children with cerebral palsy

работа +с детьми +с дцп

work + with children with cerebral palsy

дцп +у дітей

помощь детям +с дцп

помощь детям +с дцп

помощь детям

благодійна допомога дітям

Gifts for children from the “MegaMarket” supermarket chain.

подарки детям

подарунки дітям

gifted children

A gift from the kids to their benefactors :)

подарки +своими руками

Children and philanthropists.

праздник +для детей





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