Helping orphans
in Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi
There is a boarding school for orphans and children bereft of parental care in Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi, Kiev region. 147 students study there. Director of the school Vasily Vasilyevich Koziy devotes much of his energy to make sure children receive all that is necessary to fulfil their future lives in a right and harmonious way.
From psychological point of view, if a person receives enough love and care in childhood, he'll be able to transfer what he received in the outside world. This is one of the main reasons why we want to come to children.
We were given a warm welcome. Children presented a small concert and that was a pleasant surprise for us. We brought them tasty treats and useful presents from MegaMarket company.
Children from school give a performance.
Presents for children from «Food for Life» organisation.
Presents from MegaMarket company.
In the photo: children from the school as well as director of this boarding school Vasily Koziy, representative of MegaMarket Olesya Onishchuk and president of charitable organisation Food for Life Nikolay Sahno.
9 272 hrivnias were spent on presents and treats for orphans.
Thank you to Everyone who help to make this world a better and a kinder place!!!!