О Президенте Киевского отделения Благотворительного фонда «Пища Жизни»

President of the “Food for Life” branch in Kiev

Николай Сахно- президент благотворительного фонда «Пища жизни» в г.Киев

   We live in a time full of surprises. Life constantly brings us gifts; some are pleasant and some are not. Anyway, life is changeable and even if you are lucky today, things could change beyond recognition tomorrow...

One thing is obvious: what goes around, comes around. Therefore, if money comes to you and you help people, who have hard times, by this you not only bring a positive balance in value system ​​of human society, but care about your future as well. Because sooner or later everyone will have difficult situations in life; as a rule, only someone’s selfless service and support help to overcome hard times. That is why in deepest gratitude I bow to all those, who help disadvantaged people.

May good luck always accompany all your noble deeds.

Sincerely, President of the Foundation “Food for Life”, Nikolay Sahno