The people you see on the photos of our website will be happy to accept any kind of a sponsorship. It can be food or clothing, as well as household necessities. Ultimately, more important than material values is the realization that the indigent person is not indifferent for us.
Therefore, you can help them in the ways mentioned under:
- You can bring or pass food or any kind of the household necessities. If you wish, you can personally hand over to everyone who is in a need.
- You can transfer that amount of money which you are able to give to the fund’s account for buying food and distributing these products to poor people.
- You may have the opportunity and the wish to organize your charity event anywhere in Kyiv or Ukraine. We will try to help you in its organization and implementation.
More detailed information about
how to make a charitable contribution to the organisation
By the way, you can easily transfer an amount acceptable to you for meals to poor elderly people and people with disabilities because, in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Taxation of Profits of Enterprises," clause 5.2.2, it reduces tax obligations.
If you have questions and suggestions you have the possibility to write and call. We are always open to you and communication.
Letter of gratitude to the sponsors of the Food for Life Charitable organisation on behalf and signatures (fragment) of all those who are helped by the organisation.
More reviews of the care recievers of the Charity organisation "Food for Life".