вегетарианская кухня

Eat this!

Free vegetarian cooking classes.

     It is not only delicious, but healthy as well!

Vegetarian cuisine is not only delicious, but healthy as well!

5 main reasons why people become vegetarian:

1. ecology
2. health
3. spirituality
4. karma
5. charity

We invite you to listen and practically apply knowledge that Eugene Onufrienko — chef of Vegetarian literary cafe «Imbir' (Ginger)» — shares with us.
These five lectures will be enough to enrich your culinary knowledge and surprise your loved ones with simple, tasty, healthy and delicate dishes.

1) Drinks.
Nut milk, ginger tea, smoothies, immune-boosting cocktails.



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вегетарианские напитки


2) Salads.
Wonderful salad dressings (honey mustard). Healthy salads, warm salads. Pesto sauce.


{mp3remote} http://www.krishna-board.info/dobro/dobrotvorite/audio/Salati.mp3 {/mp3remote}

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вегетарианские салаты



3) First courses.
Vegetables in a sauce. Paneer fried in batter. Julienne vegetables in a tomato sauce. Seitan. Paneer.


{mp3remote} http://www.krishna-board.info/dobro/dobrotvorite/audio/Garyachie_bluda.mp3 {/mp3remote}

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сабджи с паниром


4) Soups.
Cream soup, solyanka.


{mp3remote} http://www.krishna-board.info/dobro/dobrotvorite/audio/Supi.mp3 {/mp3remote}

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 вегетарианские супы



5) Desserts.
Strudel, blueberry pie.


{mp3remote} http://www.krishna-board.info/dobro/dobrotvorite/audio/Sladosti.mp3 {/mp3remote}

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Bon appetit! :)

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